
Drywood termite swarm

Drywood termite swarm

Drywood termites, scientifically known as *Kalotermes* species, are fascinating insects that play a unique role in the ecosystem by breaking down wood and other plant materials. Unlike their subterranean cousins, drywood termites live within the wood they consume, which can lead to significant structural damage in homes and buildings. One of the most intriguing aspects […]

What attracts termites?

What attract termites

Termites are attracted to specific conditions and factors that make properties conducive to their survival and colonization. Understanding what attracts termites can help homeowners take proactive steps to prevent infestations and protect their homes. Here are some factors that may attract termites: 1. Moisture: Termites require moisture to survive, as they are susceptible to desiccation […]

Swarm Season for Termites

Swarm season for termites

Termites are an ever-present threat to homeowners in California, with the state being one of the most termite-active areas in the United States. Among the most common culprits are drywood and subterranean termites. Understanding their swarming seasons can help homeowners take proactive measures to protect their properties from these wood-destroying pests. In this blog, we’ll […]